30/60/90 Classic Routines

30/60/90 Classic Routines

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30/60/90 Classic Routines
  • Classic 45 with Peyton March 2020

    For this workout, recommended (but not required) is a bench, medium weights, light weights, and a mat (for core work).
    (Apologies for the sound levels... Just follow along if you can't hear.)

    If you'd like the option to tip the instructor, you can Venmo @peytonroyal.

  • Classic 45 with Kristi

  • Kickboxing-Focused 45 with Peyton

    For this workout, recommended (but not required) is a bench, medium weights, extra-light weights (for punching), and a mat (for core work).
    Routine created by Kristi Molinaro. Instructor: Peyton Royal. Filmed March 2020

    If you'd like the option to tip the instructor, you can Venmo @peytonroyal.